1. Preface 4. Grave while Alive
2. Four Novels 5. Two Cases of Goodbye
3. Home Bakery 6. Decluttering or Being Decluttered
7. Never Forget Mr. Y's Gift
7. Never Forget Mr. Y's Gift

I happened to make friends with Mr. Y 10 years older than me. His life style was introduced in the newspaper just after the New Year's days in 2000, and I got interested in him.
He had worked with Japan Telephone and Telegraph Public Corporation (presently, NTT). During the days, he was a member of its orchestra as a bass player.
After retirement, he has been living leisurely in comfort. He arranges a wide range of musics in MIDI style which plays with various instruments like an orchestra. MIDI is the world standard of Musical Instrument Digital Interface.
When met together, he had already been hooked on MIDI for 10 years. He can actually play various instruments, so he applies a suitable instrument for a certain music and writes a melody on a music sheet, while playing the guitar or the flute. I was really surprised to listen to his works. They were just the same with a real orchestra performance.

Since then, I often visited his house near Tsudanuma JR station in Chiba Prefecture to have his pleasant talk and enjoy his music. Around that time, I was helping the December Club start their homepage. December Club is a group of the same year at Hitotsubashi University, who graduated from the university in December ahead of March the next year due to the outbreak of the Pacific War in 1941.
Mr. Y took on the background music and created 13 musics of MIDI for me.
Thanks to him, I was able to show the homepage of their footprints during and after the war with MIDI background music at the memorial assembly in December 2001.

He created a lot of MIDI musics for me and allowed me to exhibit them just as I like. His 122 musics are in "Kenzo Yoshino's Background Music Saloon" of my homepage. (It is in "Notebook" of "Viva, Seniors!" as one of my memorable outside works.)

Among them, I picked up the following several musics related to me and school songs of my old schools as my precious memory of the unforgettable friendship with Mr. Y, thanking him from the bottom of my heart.

Music Title Mr. Y's Comment
Shig's Beguine Strange tropical melody in Beguine rhythm.
When I presented this music to him, he named it with his first name.
The Sea of Miwasaki Music without harmony.
The title was named after Mr. Koshiba's hometown.
Ad-Lib I made this for the background music of "Viva, Seniors!"
Ballad of Pea-chan I made this for Mr. Koshiba's fairy tale "I am Pea-chan, the Parakeet."
Boogie This is for my "Background Music Saloon." Not satisfactory but this is it. (2001.02.14)
School Song of Miwasaki Elementary School
1 呼ぶは はるかな希望の海よ
ここ黒潮の 波寄るところ
わき立つ力 明るい笑顔
ああ 三輪崎の学びの庭に
誠ひとすじ 我等はみがく
2 佐野の松原 緑の浜よ
ここさや風も ほほえむところ
楽しい集い いそしむつとめ
ああ 三輪崎の学びの庭に
友と手をとり 我等ははげむ
3 里は開ける 広野よ町よ
ここ浜木綿の 花咲くところ
のびゆくこの身 豊かな心
ああ 三輪崎の学びの庭に
強く正しく 我等はすすむ
School Song of Koyo Junior High School
1 明けゆく世紀 玲瓏と
熊野の海に のぼる陽を
つねに仰ぎて たゆみなく
知徳をみがき 身をきたえ
希望に燃ゆる わが校舎
見よ三輪崎に 光建つ
ここぞ 光洋中学校
2 紀州の山河 雲晴れて
平和の鐘の 鳴るところ
まどい楽しき 学園に
世界を結ぶ 教育の
理想花咲く この栄光
ああ眉あげて 高らかに
謳え 光洋中学校
School Song of Shigu Senior High School
日よ照り輝け 晴れたり青空
われらは集いて 学べり学べり
新宮高校 輝けわが校
大いなりみくまの 九十九浦
群れ咲く浜木綿 その香も高し
緑よ輝け 晴れたり千穂が峰
われらは喜び 学べり学べり
新宮高校 輝けわが校
平和と自由と 朝に夕に
培う校風 その香も高し
潮よ輝け 晴れたりわたつみ
われらは競いて 学べり学べり
新宮高校 輝けわが校
希望ははてなし 若く清く
とどろく波の穂 その香も高し
Songs related to
Hitotsubashi University
MIDI Me Lyrics in Japanese
School Song 武蔵野深き松風に世の塵をとどめぬ
Dormitory Song 長煙遠く棚引きて入相の鐘暮れて
Song of Hitotsubashi 空高く光みなぎり照り映えて
Do you know? 君よ知れりや東(ひんがし)の
Brilliant World 万象光輝きて春国立の
Violet Blue Darkness 紫紺の闇の原頭にオリオン
Spring in Hometown 故郷の春は雲遠くタベ空行く
Cascade of Falling Cherry Blossoms 霏々(ひひ)散乱の花吹雪
Elegy of Separation 人の命の旅の空憧憬遠く
Sumida River 東都の流れ千年の隅田をまもれ
Wing in the Sky 天翔る翼の象徴血に燃る
Sumida Riverside in Spring 春墨堤の花の色又秋冷の月の影
Wandering Aimlessly いづこともなく漂泊(さすらい)の
At my home with Mr. Koshiba
March, 2000
60th Memorial Assembly of
Josuikai's December Club
invited with Mr. Koshiba
December, 2001
Mr. Shigeru Koshiba made the homepage "December Club" for his seniors of Hitotsubashi University in 2001 in memory of their 60th graduation year.
By his request, I made MIDI melodies of 13 musics in their song book for background music.
The musics are by the recommendation of Mr. Tatsuo Nakamura, organizer of December Club.
I was invited to their 60th Memorial Assembly at Josui Hall in Takebashi, Chiyoda Ward on December 12, 2001.
Part 7 Reading 7:14
Total Reading 1:20:20
< Part 6 End of the Story
1. Preface 4. Grave while Alive
2. Four Novels 5. Two Cases of Goodbye
3. Home Bakery 6. Decluttering or Being Decluttered
7. Never Forget Mr. Y's Gift
Japanese English