15. Then 4/4
A Hard Bud

"I accept the president Sano spoiled the achievements himself at last, but we must not forget his success until the completion of Kanematsu Auditorium, right? His leadership and passion during those days..."
Junior Tsubune talks to elderly Suga persistently still with his feeling not in order.
The elderly senior nods apparently with second thought and says mostly to himself.
"He risked his life for the college promotion and realized the college city at Musashino wilderness taking advantage of the Great Kanto Earthquake. The time during this campus moving was the days he was shining the highest. The whole school people pushed ahead toward the recovery led by himself."
Then the elderly talks with his eyes up to the ceiling.
"Kanematsu Auditorium was exactly the monument at that time, and the Four-God Statues on the facade are filled with the heart to the future, ... passion, pride, spirit, hope, ... As Dr. Chuta Itoh said, Kanematsu Auditorium may be a hard bud without a nice looking compared with Gothic Style. But he also said it was a bud of dream letting them have a feeling of wonderful flowering."

Goroji Suga entered this college 10 years after its completion. It was about 70 years ago when the "2.26 Incident" occurred 2 months before.
The College Street from Kunitachi Station to the south was 40 meters wide, both sides of which were all white lined with the row of young cherry trees.
That year Kanematsu Auditorium, the symbol of Kunitachi Campus, welcomed about 400 students both of the preliminary and special courses. All the students tasted fully the joy and pride of their entrance looking up the hall.
Suga enjoyed his 7-year student days as a cox of the boat club, as well as studied a lot, especially accounting.
He is now in the memory during those days.
"It seems to me like only yesterday when we had a regatta competition among the colleges at Toda pool. I was a cox on the Gembu Boat with eight crews all in a unity. We got a win and also lost regretfully. We played a very close race in a splashing water. We were not enemies just before the goal. That blank moment or something of the melted unity is still my youth now."
The Shishin meeting is continuing forever...

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Only one month has passed since that meeting.
Suga, in a good mood during the whole time of the meeting tasting sake well in a wooden cup with side dish of soba-miso, ..., lies in a white bed.
Tsubune is on the side with all kinds of thoughts coming and going in his mind.
There then, the senior talked about the details of the investigation forgetting the time. It was the result he, mostly with Tsubune and Eriko Fukami, acted energetically not minding any trouble of his body relying on the stick all the way.
When Tsubune took the souvenir at Hawaii as a birthday present to him, saying "Don't put anything into it because it is full of my heart", his eyes were filled with tears.

Suga called up Tsubune once a couple of days.
"I am almost buried under the documents as tall as you."
"Many various businesses prevent me from this work."
"I am now thinking to ask you and Ms. Fukami to check the finished parts."
Suga's voice was cheerful.

Tsubune was just about to visit him before the end of the year.
The aneurysm rupture at the old age of 85. In spite of it Suga endured the operation for three hours. According to the doctor, the senior has been recovering quickly to his surprise. But the doctor does not say anything about the detail of his illness.
His consciousness is clear and dim repeatedly, so there is no telling what will happen.
Eriko says in a low voice, "He got through a lot of difficulties."
Tsubune is sure that his senior is never able to finish his life so simply until he writes up "The Auditorium Where Monsters Live".
The elderly senior is sleeping with deep breathing.

15-4 Reading: 7'12"
15. Then Subtotal: 63'07"
Total Reading 11:38:20
Draft Translation: January 31, 2017
First Revision: February 10, 2017
Second Revision: April 2, 2017
一橋大学百二十年史 (一橋大学、1995年)
一橋大学百年史写真集 (財界評論新社、1981年)
一橋大学七十五周年記念アルバム (記念アルバム委員会、1951年)
一橋大学年譜 (一橋大学、1976年)
建築巨人・伊東忠太 (読売新聞社、1993年)
伊東忠太動物園 (藤森照信、筑摩書房、2001年)
伊東忠太を知っていますか (鈴木博之編著、王国社、2003年)
中路信氏論文 (JFN・ML)
HQ (Hitotsubashi Quarterly) (一橋大学広報誌)
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Dr. Chuta Itoh, a major character in this novel, was the architect who designed the “Auditorium Where Monsters Live.” 

Following are two photographs of Dr. Itoh’s grave at the Sojiji Temple in Yokohama. They were taken in 2003 by Mr. David Tucker of the University of Iowa, who gives permission for their use here. 

February 28, 2022

< 15. Then 3 End
15. Then
1 2 3 4
Japanese English
Frontcover    8. Birth of College
1. Old Cox  9. Great Earthquake
2. Monsters  10. To Musashino
3. Begin to Search  11. Okura Museum
4. Chase  12. Architect
5. Shibusawa  13. Romanesque
6. Dawn  14. Four God Statues
7. Shinyu Case  15. Then
Japanese English