"I want you to stay at the hotel "Gyokeikan" and see a full
moon beyond Cape Inubozaki."
Two of us are talking in the guest lounge at Josui-kaikan Hall in Chiyoda
Ward, Tokyo.
Mr. Tatsuo Nakamura, my senior at Hitotsubashi university, showed the hotel's
pamphlet and the documents of surrounding places for sightseeing on the
"You can drop in at Katori Shrine on the way back", he added
with desire.
I will mention what was on the background of his talk in the last chapter.
Following his strong advice, I went to Gyokeikan Hotel near Cape Inubozaki,
Choshi City in Chiba Prefecture, with my wife in February, 2004.
Please take a look at the pictures I took there including the full moon.